Smart Street Light Control Platform
Smart lighting, also known as intelligent public lighting management platform or smart street light, which realizes remote centralized control and management of smart street light through the application of advanced, efficient, and reliable power line carrier communication technology and wireless GPRS/CDMA communication technology. It with functions including automatic brightness adjustment based on traffic flow, remote lighting control, active fault alarm, lamp cable theft prevention, and remote meter reading, which can significantly save power resources, Improve the management level of public lighting, save maintenance costs and environmental protection.

Gebosun®, as an Editor-in-Chief company in the smart street lighting industry in China, Gebosun® will try our best to provide more and better solutions to all our customers. Here is the patent certificate for our: SSLS-Smart Street Lighting System.

9 smart street light solutions
Smart solar street light solution

Solar Zigbee smart street light solutions

AC smart street light solutions
LoRa-WAN solution

LoRa-MESH solution

Zigbee solution

4G/LTE solution

PLC solution

NB-IOT solution

RS485 solution

Post time: Apr-21-2023