
  • A Seminar On Smart Poles In the Guzhen Government

    A Seminar On Smart Poles In the Guzhen Government

      On December 2, 2022, under the call of the leaders of the municipal government, excellent smart pole manufacturers in Zhongshan and Shenzhen held a seminar on the integration of smart poles in the Guzhen government.     Mr. Dave made a speech on behalf of the enterpr...
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  • The development of smart lighting

    The development of smart lighting

      Smart lighting is also called smart public lighting management platform. It realizes remote centralized control and management of street lamps by applying advanced, efficient and reliable power line carrier communication technology and wireless GPRS/CDMA communication ...
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  • Solar Smart Street Light with Environment Friendly Solution

    Solar Smart Street Light with Environment Friendly Solution

    As we all know, IoT technology (Internet of Things) is applied in more and more fields to our life. Including smart home and smart city, which is also an important step towards new era’s trend. Of course, the outdoor street light project for special demands or smart cit...
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  • Smart Pole News

    Smart Pole News

    1. Summary of Smart light pole Introduction   Smart pole also known as" multi-function smart pole ",which is a public infrastructure integrating intelligent lighting, video surveillance, traffic management, environmental detection, wireless communication, informatio...
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  • The era of Smart city & Smart pole

    The era of Smart city & Smart pole

    With the progress of the times, our street lighting control industry is also developing rapidly, from the the first generation directly controlled by power station to control the street lights, after six generations update to now multi-functions .     In terms of ha...
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